Quick reference

This is a quick reference of the wiki syntax you can use in pages. Click on any item to see a more detailed explanation.

+ Level 1 Heading
++ Level 2 Heading
* Bullet items
# Numbered items
> Blockquoted text
//italic text//
**bold text**
= Line is centered
[[<]] Lines are aligned left [[/<]]
[[>]] Lines are aligned right [[/>]]
[[=]] Lines are centered [[/=]]
[[==]] Lines are right-justified [[/==]]
[[size smaller]]smaller text[[/size]]
[[size larger]]larger text[[/size]]
[[code]] lines of source code [[/code]]
[http://www.wikidot.com Text link]
[/category:page Link to page]
[[[name-of-page | Link to page ]]]
---- Horizontal line
[[image :first | attachment | url ]]
[[image size="medium | small | thumbnail" ]]
[[image link="name-of-page OR url" ]]
[[f<image alt="Float left" ]]
|| Simple table || ~heading || cell ||
[[file attachment | link text]]

Useful links

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